Tuesday, June 26, 2018



=>Computer is an electronic device that used for perform the calculation on input data.

=>Computer word is taken from ‘compute’ word that mean is calculation.

=>Father of computer was “CHARLS BABBAGE”.

=>Babbage computer also known as mechanical computer.

=>Computer also called system where system word is taken from Greek word “SYSTEMA” because computer performs the task in systematic order.

Meaning of computer-










A Common Operating Machine which is used by Particular User in any field like Trade, Education, and Research.

Advantage of computer-

Computer has different types of advantage.

I. Speed-It performs fast calculation on input data.

II. Accuracy-It provides 100% accurate result.

III.Versatile-Perform any types of work in any field like Trade, Education, and Research.

IV. Diligence-Perform 24 hours work without getting tired.

V. Storage-store the data for long time duration.

VI. No IQ-No self decision taken.

VII.No feeling-No emotional attachment.

Working of computer-

IPO (Input-Process-Output) Cycle.

Computer use 3 processes for perform the execution.

a>Fetch-Read the data.

b>Decode-Change the data.

c>Execute-Process the data.

Type of computer-

The computer work on data signal which place two types.

According to signal the computer is divided into two type.

1)Analog computer

2)Digital computer

1)Analog compute-

=>In Analog computer, analog signal is used.

=>The analog signal is a signal which propagate (travel) with respect to time.

=>The analog signal provide different value at different point.

=>The analog computer is used in weather forecasting area.

2)Digital computer-

=>In digital computer, digital signal use the digital signal proved foe (content value) an any time.

=>The digital computer is used for calculation on data.

There are different area where the digital computer is used such as-
-Scientific Research

-Remote Sensing

-Rocket Lunching

-Flight Simulation

-Artificial Intelligence.

Hybrid computer-

This computer is used in biasness and medical area it works on analog and digital signal.

Generation of computer-

The generation of computer is depend hardware design there are different generation of computer.


=>The computer is made by vacuumed tube or diode or valve.

=>The speed of calculation is very slow.

=>Very large size of computer.

=>Generation more heat.

=>Take 7 days for perform the calculation.


=>Computer are design by using transistor, Resistor and capacitor’s.

=>The processing speed is slow.

=>Bulky in size.

=>Used in business calculation.


=>Computer is design by using Integrated Circuit(IC).

=>This generation of computer is used for fast calculation data.

=>In this generation of computer operating system keyboard, mouse and other devices is used.


=>It also design by using Integrated Circuit(IC).

=>In this generation, very large scale integration(VLSI) technology is used.

=>The processing speed is fast.

=>Computer size is reduced.

Eq. Desktop, Laptop, Palmtop, Portable Digital Assistant(PDA).


=>It use ultra large scale integration(ULSI) technology.

=>5th generation of computer is used in Artificial Intelligence and Robot designing.

Integrated Circuit(IC)-

=>IC is made by save conductor material such as silicon and germanium.

=>In IC, fabrication technology is used.

=>IC is made by using thin plastic material where all the circuit is fabricated.

=>The connection of IC is much more reliable than scolding connection.

=>IC reduce the size of computer.

=>IC provide greater speed and reliability.

=>It consume less power and generate less heat.

=>There are two type of IC.

a>Dual in line IC.

b>Pin grid array IC.

a>Dual in line IC-

=>24 pin’s are available.

=>Small circuit design.

b>Pin grid array IC-

=>144 pin’s are available.

=>Surrounded by pin’s.

=>Large circuit design.

Classification of IC Number circuit

SSI-Small Scale Integration 10 circuit MSI-Medium Scale Integration 100 ‘’ LSI-Large ‘’ 1000 ‘’ VLSI-Very Large ‘’ 10000 ‘’ VVLSI-Very Very Large ‘’ 100000 ‘’ ULSI-Ultra Large ‘’ Above 1000000 ‘’

Micro Processor-

=>It is brain of our computer system.

=>The microprocessor is build by the help of IC.

=>The microprocessor perform all the process in computer.

=>The first microprocessor was design by Intel Company in 1971.

=>The name of first microprocessor is Intel 4004.

=>First general purpose work on 8 bit data path and now it’s work on up to 64 bit data path.

There are many company that design microprocessor-


-AMD(Advance micro devices)




Some microprocessor-

Intel microprocessor foxily-










Intel-core series=>Dual core, core 2Dou, core I3, I5, I7, I9

Category of computer (According to size, speed)-

=>There are different types of category of computer- Eq.



-Mainframe computer

-Super computer


=>The micro computer is design by the micro processor.

=>The computer which is made by micro processor is known as microcomputer.

=>The Personal Computer (PC) is also of micro computer.

=>The micro computer work on up to 64 bit micro processor.

Some micro computer are-

Laptop, Desktop, Palmtop, Portable Digital Assistant (PDA).


=>This computer is use in business calculation.

=>In this computer more then one processor is used.

Mainframe computer-

=>The mainframe computer is used in networking area for manage large amount of information.

=>The mainframe computer have more then one microprocessor than perform fast calculation.

=>The mainframe computer work on above 32 bit microprocessor.

=>This computer is use in network area for creating server.

=>IBM (International Business Machine) design the mainframe computer.

Super computer-

=>The Super computer is used for handle the large data processing.
=>The Super computer have more than one microprocessor that perform the different calculation at the save time.
=>The Super computer is a power full computer that provide the result in limited time interval.

=>In Super computer, Real time o/s is used.

=>Super computer is used for solving the complex problem in computer.

=>In Super computer vector processing is used.

=>There are different area where super computer is used. Eq.

-Weather forecasting

-Flight simulation

-Remote sensing

-Rocket launching

-Scientific research

-Seismic data analysis

Some Super computer are-





-Sunway tihulight


Imp C.P.U. (Central Processing Unit)-


=>The C.P.U. is central processing unit.

=>The C.P.U. is also known as brain of computer system.

=>The C.P.U. is invented by “JHON VON NEV MENN”.

=>The C.P.U. also known as microprocessor.

=>The C.P.U. perform the process in well define manner.

=>The C.P.U. have three basic component.

I. A.L.U.-Arithmetic Logic Unit

II. C.U.-Control Unit

III.M.U.-Memory Unit
C.P.U. also attached with input, output, and secondary memory.

I. A.L.U.-

=>In C.P.U., the A.L.U. perform all the calculations in computer.

=>In A.L.U. the mathematical and logical operators are store.

=>In C.P.U., the A.L.U. perform all the calculations in computer.

=>In A.L.U. the mathematical and logical operators are store.

II. C.U.-

=>The control unit in computer is responsible for the manage the working of computer.

=>The control unit attached with memory unit and ALU perform the processing.

=>The control unit use control signal for activating and deactivating the device in computer.

=>Control unit input the data instruction from memory unit and transfer to ALU for perform particular operations.

III. M.U.-

=>It is internal memory of processor.

=>It is also known as register.

=>The memory unit store all the input data instruction and also it store the processing result’s.

=>The memory unit store the data temporary format.

=>Memory unit attached with secondary memory for store the data permanently.


The output system in the computer is provided after processing.

There are two types of output-

(1)Softcopy output
(2)Hardcopy output

Softcopy output-

The softcopy output is display and sound at the can not be inprinted. 

Hardcopy output-

The hardcopy output is printing output the can not be print on paper.


The display output is also known as VDU(Visual Display Unit) and moniter that provid softcopy output.

There are different types of moniter such as-

(1)CRT-Cathoe Ray tube
(2)LCD-Liquid Crystel Display
(3)TFT-Thin Film Transistor
(4)LED-Light Emitted Diode

(1)CRT(Cathod Ray Tube)-

=>Moniter screen size is measured diagonally across the screen in inches. not all of the screen area may be usable for image displaynso the viewable area is also specified.
=>The resolution of the moniter is the maximum number of pixels it can display horizontally and vertically(Such as 800*600,or1024*768,or1600*1200).
=>The moniter is use to inexpensive technology.
=>It is physically large and heavy.

(2)LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)-

=>An LCD monitor,also called flat-panel monitor.
=>This is a desktop monitor that uses a liquid crystal display to produce images.
=>Liquid crystals do not emit light directly, insead using a backlight or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome.
=>LCD moniter and LCD screns produce color using either passive matrix or active matrix technology.

(3)TFT(Thin Film Transister)-

=>A TFT(Thin Film transistor) display, also know as an active matrix display.
=>TFT use a separate transistor to apply charge to each liquid crystal cell and thus displays high quality color that is viewable from all angles.

(4)Plasma display-

=>Scienists refer to plasma as the fourth state of matter (the first three being solid,gas,and liquid) often plasma is defined as an ionized gas.
=>There moniters are made of an array of pixels, each conposed of three phasphor sub-pixels_red green and blue.

(5)LED(Light Emitted Diode)-

=>A LED display is a flat panel display,which uses an array of light-emitting dioes as pixels for a video display.
=>LED display are capable of providing general illumination in addition to visual display,as when used for stage lighting or other decorative purposes.

Display praperties-


=>Pixel in monitor is for display the data like video,picture and other data.
=>The pixel incresed the output quality.


The monitor display the data two color.
(a)Monochromic-Black and white.
(b)RGB-Red,Green and Blue.
=>The color combination is very good and clear in CRT monitor and bad in LCD monitor.


=>It is related to the arrangment of pixel in row and column formet.
=>The good quality output is depend upon the resolation of data e.q 720*480,1024*780 etc.

Refresh Rate-

It is related to refresh the monitor data in per second.

Projection Display-

=>The projection display is used for convert small display output into lorg display output.
=>Projector is an example of projection display.

Hardcopy output-

=>It is in physical farmat.
=>The hardcopy output is generated by the printer.
=>The printer have following technology.
(1)Impact or Non-impact printing (Related to quality of printing)
(2)Fully Format and Dot-Matrix printer (Related to accuracy of printing)
(3)Serial,Line and Page printing (Related to speed of printing)

(1)Impact or Non-Impact(Quality)-

=>The impact printing is used in typewriter or daisywheel and Dot-matrix printer.
=>In impact printing the hamming technology is used that means the character is hit on paper through ink ribbon.
=>The printing quality of impact printing is not good or clear.
=>In Non-impact printing the character's are printing printed on paper using smooth technology.
=>The quality of non-impact printing is good and clear.
=>It is used in inkjet and laser printer.

(2)Fully Formed and Dot-Matrix printing(Accuracy)-

=>In Fully Formed printing the character is print using solid line and curve.
=>In fully formed printing the character's are understandable and readable format.
=>It is used in laser and inkjet printer.
=>In Dot-Matrix printing the character is print using dots.
=>The dots are created by the help of pins.
=>The printing of character is not clear or accurate.
=>It is use for printing Bill's.
=>It is used in Daisywheel and Dot-Matrix printer.

(3)Serial,Line and Page printing(Speed)-

=>A printerr that attaches to a computer through a serial interface.
=>Serial printer is slow transmission times and compatibility issues.
=>A line printer prints one entire line of text before advancing to another line.
=>Line printer print speed of 600 line per minute.
=>A page printer is a computer printer which processes and prints a whole page at a time, as opposed to printers which print one line or character at a time such as line printers and dot-matix printers.

Types of Printer-

Printer Quality Accuracy Speed Ink Quality Used
(1)Inkjet Non-Impact Fully formed Line by Line print Liquid Ink heat Small office for print, Doc., App., letter
(2)Dot-Matrix Impact Dot-Matrix(Dot printing) Character by character print(slow) Ink ribbon Print bills(Bulk print)
(3)Daisy Wheel Impact Dot-Matrix(Dot printing) Line by line(Accuracy) Ink ribbon Print Bills
(4)Laser Non-Impact Fully format Page Printing(fast) Power of dry Ink & Salary  Print high quality data App. &other
(5)Platter Non-Impact Fully format Line printing(Average) Laser Print Print flow Banner or Poster(Large Pen)

Memory System-

=>Memory in computer is used for store the data for long time duration.
=>Memory store the data in the form of files.
=>In memory the data is store in to two types of format.
(a)Temporary-for small time duration.
(b)Permanent-for long time duration.

Types of memory-

=>Memory Hicrorchy
=>Inter connection of memory
=>Flow of memory

Internal processor memory-

=>It is also known as processor memory.
=>It is divided into two types.
(a)CPU Register
(b)Cache memory

(a)CPU Register-

=>The CPU Register is direct attached with microprocessor.
=>In CPU Register limited types of data instruction's is store.
=>It is non removable memory.
=>In CPU Register those set of instruction is store which is currently processing in microprocessor.

Cache memory-

=>Cache memory is very fast memory that place between processor and RAM.
=>The cache memory is used for increased the processing and data transmission speed.
=>Cache memory is static memory where the data for deleted.
=>Cache memory is expensive and non removable or non expandable memory.
=>In cache memory those instruction is store which is ready for process.

There are two types of cache memory-
(1)L1 cache
(2)L2 cache
=>In L1 cache the small set of instruction is store size of L1 cache is 8kb to 256mb.
=>L2 cache store large data instruction size of L2 cache is 512mb to 1000mb.

Primary Memory-

=>It is the hart of computer that memory all the processing in computer.
=>The primary memory help for operate the data in computer.
=>This memory is divided into two types.

Difference between RAM and ROM-

=>In ROM, the data is only accesses and data of ROM can't be updating.
=>In RAM, the data is accesses and also update.


=>It is the hart of computer manage all the part of system.
=>It is also known as bolatile memory because it work on power management that means the data is loss when the power is off.
=>RAM is also known as temporary memory because in RAM the data is store for small time duration.

There are different types of RAM-

(1)S-RAM=>Static RAM
(2)D-RAM=>Dynamic RAM
(3)SD-RAM=>Synchronous Dynamic RAM
(4)RD-RAM=>Rambus Dynamic RAM
(5)DDR-RAM=>Double Data Rate RAM

(1)S-RAM and D-RAM-

=>In S-RAM the data is available  till the computer is an and all the data automatic remove when the computer is off.
=>In D-RAM the data is refresh automatic or particular time interval. This RAM is use for manage processing in the computer.


=>The RD-RAM is used in gaming console devices.
=>The RD-RAM is use for support high graphics and high value data.


=>In DDR-RAM the dual value of data is handle in computer as the same time.
=>The DDR-RAM in computer is used in Loptop and Desktop computer.

There are different version of DDR-RAM-

(a)DDR1 (b)DDR2 (c)DDR3 (d)DDR4


It is Read Only Memory in ROM chip the data is only access can't we update.

There are different types of ROM-

(1)P-ROM(Programmable ROM)
(2)EP-ROM(Erasable P-ROM)
(3)EEP-ROM(Electrical EP-ROM)


In this ROM chip the program's are store that help to operate the devices. Like-Device Driver's.


=>In this ROM chip, the data is erased and then store new data.
=>This process is done by menu factoring  company.


In this ROM, the data is electrically remove and replaced with new data.

Secondary Memory-

=>The secondary memory is use for store the large amount of data.
=>It is use for store audio, video, graphics, document and other files it is also known as non-bolatile memory because it is not depend upon the power the data have no effect when power is off.

The secondary memory is two type-

(1)Internal (Hard Disk Drive)
(2)External (CD, DVD, BD, FD and other)

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